Friday, June 02, 2006

You don't compete only with products anymore, rather with how well you use your people.

"Why should I train my Soft Skills? I know everything about IT!"

Too often we focus on what employees need to "know" when evaluating and hiring them instead of "who they really are."

I will try to illustrate this with an example.
John was promoted to Technical Project Manager at his consulting company. Some people wondered why John had risen to this level of management. His educational level was lower than others in the firm and his degree wasn't in an area that pertained to consulting. However, one of the strengths that was nowhere on his resume was his ability to be positive in all situations and to naturally motivate people. He was quick to smile and see the positive side of every project. He was generous in praising people and was consistently happy. These were his strengths - his natural attributes. They made up the sum of who John was. These soft skills are just as important as what John knows.

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