Friday, August 31, 2007

Play Well With Others:

Develop Effective Work Relationships
You can submarine your career and work relationships by the actions you take and the behaviors you exhibit at work. No matter your education, your experience, or your title, if you can't play well with others, you will never accomplish your work mission.

Effective work relationships form the cornerstone for success and satisfaction with your job and your career.
How important are effective work relationships?
Effective work relationships form the basis for promotion, pay increases, goal accomplishment, and job satisfaction.


Friday, August 17, 2007

Tough Conversations : Part 2

The Constructive Conversation:
In one of the modules of the course we discussed a four step process that will assist you in practicing behaviors that lead to a constructive conversation.

The Four Step Process is as follows :
- Analyze the situation
- Plan your message
- Conduct the conversation
- Follow up.

  1. Analyze the situation
    -Is there a performance gap
    -What is the gap?
    -What is known and not known?
    -What action is required?
  2. Plan your message
    -Consult HR
    -General Information


  1. Conduct the conversation
    -Book a time and meeting room
    -Anticipate possible emotional reactions
    -Ask open-ended questions
    -State clear consequences
    -Keep it simple
  2. Follow up
    -Document and monitor action plan/perfomance improvement
    -Provide support without removing responsibility